Category: Miscellaneous

  • Safety Tips for Fall Driving

    Driving is a vital but potentially dangerous part of daily life. Before hitting the roads this fall, check out these seasonal safety tips. Carry a full spare tire A properly inflated spare tire can be a lifesaver if you get a flat while out on the open road. With the right tools, it’s possible to […]

    September 23, 2022

  • Personal Umbrella Insurance FAQ

    What is personal umbrella insurance? A personal umbrella insurance policy is additional liability insurance that can provide protection above and beyond the limits of your homeowners, auto, watercraft, or other underlying policy. If the cost of a covered claim exceeds your underlying policy limits, personal umbrella coverage can cover the difference.  What does personal umbrella insurance […]

    August 22, 2022

  • Landlord Insurance FAQ

    Property and liability coverage can protect landlords from financial losses.  What is landlord insurance? Landlord insurance is financial protection for someone who owns and rents out a property. It can cover physical damage to the dwelling itself, to other structures on your property, and to personal property used to maintain your rental. It can also cover legal […]

    August 18, 2022

  • Three Benefits to Bundling Your Insurance

    Save time and money by bundling your insurance policies with one carrier. 1. Multi-line discounts Most insurance companies that offer more than one type of coverage provide discounts if you buy multiple policies from them. For example, instead of only purchasing car insurance, you would also purchase renters or homeowners insurance from the same company. […]

    July 13, 2022

  • Five Benefits of Working with an Independent Insurance Agent

    Going independent means more flexibility, choice, and personalization.  1. Save time quote shopping Independent insurance agencies check rates with multiple carriers to give you more options. Instead of calling and visiting multiple agencies and websites, save time by sharing your household information only once and let the independent agent shop around based on your insurance […]

    July 7, 2022